Rexall de Victoria




🕗 horaire

912, Douglas Street, V8W 2C1, Victoria, Capital, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 250-384-1195
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4234978, Longitude: -123.3659577

commentaires 5

  • Elise R

    Elise R


    I am a healthcare professional and experienced the best medication counselling I have ever had. Gloria, the pharmacist took the time to give thorough explanations, options and answer my questions. They fill the prescriptions promptly.

  • Alison Brown

    Alison Brown


    Not too busy. Good customer service.

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    John Watts


    Very poor customer service was told they had an item to find out they don't carry it and was pointed to the area. Will not shop here and don't recommend

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    Cary Chiu


    Excellent location. Friendly staff. Almost always has Air miles promotions.

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    There were young staff (girls) and older female staff. Young ones were not friendly but the others were friendly and helpful. I didn't like the girl at the counter collecting money one bit. Not friendly at all. When I went there second time, there were older friendly staff so it was pleasant than previous visit. Not sure price wise if it's reasonable or not but it's a fairly large pharmacy near where I stayed so. Friendly = 5 starsstars. not friendly = 1 star for wherever I go

Pharmacie la plus proche

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