Cridge Family Pharmacy de Victoria

CanadaCridge Family Pharmacy



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641, Fort Street, V8W 1G2, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-686-7104
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4246429, Longitude: -123.366852

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jan S


    Everything about this Pharmacy is AAA .. triple A. My Mom has recently become a customer and using the new pill dispenser. Jason the owner will come by with the machine "Spencer" and teach you how to operate it. Your meds will be delivered once a week and the Pharmacy connects directly with your doctor(s). You never have to pick up a prescription again. Their service is 110%, communication 110%, staff and management 110%. After learning of them and stopping in I am very keen to get my scripts from them as well. I can't say enough about them .. for real a Triple AAA establishment.

  • en

    John yano


    Customer Service was non existent upon experiencing being left hanging by my foot. In good faith I purchased a foot brace for a shin splint injury and was happy to wear it for pain relief, unfortunately it breaks within the hour, so I go back and was told unable to return or exchange... and was told to speak to owners next morning.... So patiently waited until the following day only to be told by Mrs. D Cridge, all products are sold as final, no returns or exchanges, I said under normal circumstances yes, however clearly on defective sold products you must assist the customer, she just showed me the box and contact to manufacturer and said Im on my own to deal with it ...... There has to be some sort of consumer protection to have defective products replaces within 24 hours. Hope if you decide on Cridge you get better treatment and respectful customer service... if the owner mrs Cridge demonstrated the family way of treating customers, sorry for the business... either that she just one unsympathetic business owner.... feel sorry for the voiceless consumer

  • en

    Erin Shklanka


    This team remembers me every time I come in. So friendly and caring.. they have always gone above and beyond for me.

  • en

    Brendan WN


    Absolutely fantastic pharmacists and great customer service. Couldn't be happier with the service we received. Very professional, polite, and helpful. Thanks!!!!

  • Cody Ashton

    Cody Ashton


    Best place downtown hands down. really nice staff and are always happy to help with any issue medical or otherwise just really great family owned, small business. personally I don't like the big stores like shoppers and wall mart!!!

Pharmacie la plus proche

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