RedBloom Salon East Village de Calgary

CanadaRedBloom Salon East Village



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542 Riverfront Ave SE, Calgary, AB, Calgary, AB T2G 1E4, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 587-351-8788
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0473349, Longitude: -114.0502662

commentaires 5

  • Angela Blaikie

    Angela Blaikie


    I love going here, everyone is so laid back and friendly. My very-difficult-to-manage hair looks great every time I go. The products my stylist (Caleigh) recommended seem to have made my hair stronger - it’s very fine and prone to breakage, and isn’t breaking nearly as much these days. Highly recommend this place. Reasonably priced for a downtown location.

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    deanna waldner


    I just had my first ever hair cut and color here and it was a fantastic experience! I was nervous about letting someone take a pair of scissors to my long hair but Amanda did a flawless job! I love it! I would like to try starker highlights next time around though. Great atmosphere and absolutely lovely staff.

  • Yasmin Hovakeemian

    Yasmin Hovakeemian


    Great spot for a haircut! Make an appointment, highly recommend it as they do get quite busy and a walk in is hard to get. Alanna was great! She styled and cut my hair how I wanted and I'm usually pretty open as long as I don't lose a lot of length. She made recommendations that were great and showed me some little tricks for my hair. The menu selection is a great salon feature. I got to pick a scalp massage and hot towel treatment. Highly recommend!

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    Katie Kenyon


    I had the loveliest experience getting my hair cut by Caterina at the East Village location yesterday. I’ve seen her a few times and she does an amazing job cutting my ultra thick hair. Even more important though is how lovely and fun and nurturing she is. I left the salon loving my new cut but also feeling lighter, calmer and nurtured. I would recommend her and Red Bloom salon to anyone.

  • S WD

    S WD


    Outstanding service and hair too! Love RedBloom salons. I had to move from one location to the next and that can be stressful especially once I finally found someone who could figure out what was best for my hair. But after getting a referral from the stylist I ventured to the East Village location and am now fully committed to Caterina and her amazing talents! The Salon staff are wonderful and I enjoy my time spent there. Thank you all!

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