GOAT de Calgary




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708, 11 Avenue Southwest, T2R 0E4, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 403-407-1222
site web: www.goatshop.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.043041, Longitude: -114.0774509

commentaires 5

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    Ryan Schori


    Richard is the most passionate and talented hair stylist I have experienced. He is extra good with men’s hair.

  • Kristen Swerdan

    Kristen Swerdan


    I cannot recommend GOAT enough!! Every aspect of their service and environment is dialed to perfection. Not to mention they have some of the best stylists in the game - your hair is in the best possible hands here

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    Katherine Joy


    Talented, Honest & Perfectionist the 3 things to look out for when looking for a salon. Goat is the perfect place to go too. Awesome team! Highly recommend! I'm so glad I found this place :')

  • Mark Mills

    Mark Mills


    Excellent service & style. I love this place!

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    Samantha Weighman


    I cannot say enough amazing things about this place. Professional, friendly, and incredibly talented staff.

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