Red Zone Premium Sports Bar de Saskatoon

CanadaRed Zone Premium Sports Bar



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106, Circle Drive, S7L 4L6, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-978-6514
site web:
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Latitude: 52.1588691, Longitude: -106.6722458

commentaires 5

  • Lauren



    Was there (for the third time this month) to enjoy a raptors playoff game on a whim due to power going out at my own place. First half was great, got the little 'private room', enjoyed the game. Then my customer service was rudely ignored once the NHL game (that was on 6 TV's that I could see) was turned up to an obnoxious volume to the point where I couldn't even focus on what I was watching. We asked several staff (some of which agreed that the volume was too loud) but were denied the request for the volume to be turned down. The logic behind why it was so loud was ridiculous, yet we still had our experience ruined by this assinign decision to not accomodate every paying customer appropriately. Safe to say that the next big game my family and friends want to enjoy at a sports bar will not be here.

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    Ryan Kuchelyma


    Really nice place to watch the big game, good food and atmosphere. Only thing I didn't like was the draft beer selection, it was all the typical lagers but that's to be expected

  • Ben Dewolff

    Ben Dewolff


    Bad cooks . No training in food safe. Cold food is dangerous. Waitress made a mistake wich is fine . Sent burger back . Cook scraped cheese off waited 15 min and sent it out agian with old fries and cold gravy. When i asked him about it he said the server told him roo do it . Totally irresponsible a cook should never do that . If food comes back to the kitchen it never goes back out . Replace it. Ver very bad . Never go here .

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    Kurtis Foote


    Good food good drinks and service

  • Edswen Narag

    Edswen Narag


    Large Portion of Chicken wings. Nice Place to hang out and relax. Food is Good!

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