Se7en 33 Bar & Grill de Saskatoon

CanadaSe7en 33 Bar & Grill



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1213, 7 Avenue North, S7K 2W1, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-933-3333
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1444165, Longitude: -106.6524461

commentaires 5

  • Kevin Castator

    Kevin Castator


    Romantic local pub great food and awesome service at a great cost

  • Mike Nelson

    Mike Nelson


    Great neighbourhood Pub, Alli, will look after all your needs !

  • Deryk Ball

    Deryk Ball


    I had an experience that was well beyond any expectations. The waiters attentiveness was par with that of fine dining. Impeccable service never previously experienced at a bar during happy hour.

  • Samantha Colpitts

    Samantha Colpitts


    Casual, good food (ribs and chicken strips both excellent), quiet, old-school style service. Owner? Very pleasant. Reasonable prices

  • Sarah Larson

    Sarah Larson


    Owner is very nice! such a hard worker. The bar is usually pretty quiet but I have seen people meet new friends here as well.! The usuals here are quiet clean and nice. Lots of liquor to choose from, and good prices. I definitely recommend!

Bar la plus proche

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