Red Lion Inn & Suites Victoria de Victoria

CanadaRed Lion Inn & Suites Victoria



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3366, Douglas Street, V8Z 3L3, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-475-7575
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4515087, Longitude: -123.3752297

commentaires 5

  • Toufik Harrouk

    Toufik Harrouk


    Stayed in the suites for one night just for fun as I live in town. Super affordable and luxurious. The front desk people were immaculate. The hotel manager Chris was always superb in every aspect. Showed me the most hospitality I've seen out of a hotel. Absolutely would recommend and I plan on going back

  • WestSide403 Canada

    WestSide403 Canada


    Can't leave a review... Never had the chance to stay. Booked a room online because there website said pet friendly. Called to confirm and they rudely denied ever allowing pets. Cancelled the booking thankfully specially after reading others reviews

  • en

    Rachel G


    Seemed to be the only place to get a reasonable priced room at last minute. After reading reviews while my mom was checking in, I was kind of sceptical about staying there. The strip bar and being noisy was not a issue. The room was clean, beds were comfortable and it was pretty quite. Staff was very friendly and helpful.

  • Krissy Soyunmez

    Krissy Soyunmez


    nice comfy and cozy. obvious pride taken in the hotel. clean with wonderful staff and comfortable rooms. spacious bathrooms and the bedroom even had a mini kitchen. stayed at 3 places in 3 day of being in victoria if i had landed here first i would not have left.

  • Thomas Coutts

    Thomas Coutts


    * Stayed One Night * The Room Was Very Clean and The Bed Was Comfy. The Staff Were Friendly and Polite. The Chinese Restaurant (Jade Fountain) Downstairs Severed Up Some Very Tasty Dishes - - Big Portions 2.

Lodging la plus proche

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