Mayfair Motel de Victoria

CanadaMayfair Motel



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650, Speed Avenue, V8Z 1A4, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 855-717-3938
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.446617, Longitude: -123.372545

commentaires 5

  • Hedi K

    Hedi K


    The place is a good deal, clean and calm. James is welcoming and our family stay was perfect.

  • Kathryn Medland

    Kathryn Medland


    This is NOT a chain, but run by a kind family. The room was very large - with full kitchen. Just ask to borrow plates, etc. at the front desk. We were able to do our laundry in the evening. Nice place north of Victoria downtown. The folks at the desk called us a cab when we needed one.

  • en

    Chaklin Leung


    The room we stayed at was a lot larger than we thought. It also came fully supplied from amenities such as soap and towels to a fridge and keurig machine. We are really happy with the service and the place exceeded our expectations. The front desk lady, assumed to be the owner, was friendly and also directed our attention to events and attractions happening that weekend. She was extremely helpful and welcoming. I highly recommend this place.

  • Nelson Crone

    Nelson Crone


    It is a clean place and quiet. It is 5 minutes to downtown and minutes away from 3 major shopping malls. There are several nightclubs within walking distance. Although not fancy it is the central jumping off point for everything in the greater Victoria area.

  • David Wourms

    David Wourms


    The may be the cleanest motel I have ever stayed at. The staff are friendly and accommodating. Excellent value for the rate and located near many amenities. I liked to walk downtown (20 min) but there are buses that pass by every few minutes as well if you are not driving.

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