Real Canadian Superstore de Calgary

CanadaReal Canadian Superstore



🕗 horaire

7020, 4 Street Northwest, T2K 1C4, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-516-8519
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.1157312, Longitude: -114.0693578

commentaires 5

  • Albina Yumankulova

    Albina Yumankulova


    This Superstore is pretty big, I like that they have the gym upstairs so it's convenient to do the shopping after the gym. I like that they give you something if you spend more than 25o bucks. The more quite time to go is in the morning. Also there's a Starbucks and McDonald's around you know, just to put in the calories you burnt at the gym.

  • Millie Ali

    Millie Ali


    Friendly and helpful staff. Exchange was easy. They have almost everything you want for your home. Prices are reasonable too. Would recommend it to a friend.

  • Colin Graham

    Colin Graham


    Always a great experience with Pharmacists. They do have to start serving their clients quicker at the Pharmacy counter but once you are there the service is very personalized when you are picking up your medications. Quick mention the Produce area is always a mess at this location and because of this I buy my produce from Calgary Coop.

  • Sean Esopenko

    Sean Esopenko


    The store takes forever to get through because it's just too spacious. The shelves are in disarray. Lately they've been pushing purchases in 3s, offering prices they used to have but only when buying 3 of an item. I used to shop there for the lower prices but I prefer shopping elsewhere after the 3-item "deals" took over.

  • AD Free

    AD Free


    Typical super store experience. I find checkout long on weekends. I would advise to go on early weekends or mid-week during the day. I find the fresh fruits and vegetables selection to be hit or miss, quality-wise. Definitely competitive with prices. ‎I do like the location and staff seem friendly but customer service is the worst attribute here. They don't employ enough people. I always have to go chase one done. As well, the Customer Service counter is always closed before the store is. Generally, a clean and tidy store but please stop rearranging it! Lots of free parking. Grocery pickup and a liquor store.

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