Quonley's Gifts & Grocery de Victoria

CanadaQuonley's Gifts & Grocery



🕗 horaire

1628, Government Street, V8W 1Z3, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-383-0682
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4292518, Longitude: -123.3673011

commentaires 5

  • Rick Dwyer

    Rick Dwyer


    Terrible customer service. Lady at the till was quite rude when i said i was just looking but may be interested in some incense, taking what i was looking at as if i would steal or damage it. Never again will I shop here

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    Riley Fisher


    Less than one star. Disappointing and uncomfortable experiences while shopping here on different occasions. Would not suggest.

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    Benjamin Ridoux


    Very unfriendly and unprofessional staff. Very pricy for poor quality products. Never going back.

  • Rye _

    Rye _


    Definitely not returning due to homophobic attitude. During the 2017 Pride celebrations the man at the counter was over-charging $15.50 for Next Blue king size cigarettes, when I asked him why they were do much, he rudely responded "welcome to downtown." A week later I inquired the price and the same old man wanted $12. Very disappointing service, I wouldn't suggest supporting this unacceptable behavior.

  • Katherine Murray

    Katherine Murray


    I go here on a regular basis and the owners are very nice and they have yummy basic decently priced ice cream cones - nothing fancy- but a nice treat on a hot day that doesn't cost an arm and a leg! and a fun neighbourhood to enjoy it

Magasin de commodité la plus proche

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