Quality Inn & Suites Brossard de Brossard

CanadaQuality Inn & Suites Brossard



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
6680, Boulevard Taschereau, J4W 1M8, Brossard, Champlain, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 450-671-7213
site web: www.qualityinnbrossard.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.469174, Longitude: -73.468722

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Martine Baril


    Beaucoup beaucoup moeu que je martendais!belle piscine personnel sympatique on ma meme appelée par mon nom!la.xhambre etait vraiment mieux que ce que je matendais...architecture interessante...il y avait un muret entre le lit et le mini salon...lol et dans ce muret un trou wn foreme de rond...cetait jolie et quand meme impressionnant de se donner la peine...jai une photo de moi assise dana ce romd et de mon copain...jessayerai de la retrouver...cetait vraiment parfait pour faire une photo cool...bref jai été etonnee dans le bon sens a propos de TOUT....jaurais donné 5 etoile si le hall aurait eue la prestance...je veux dire se netait pas le ritz carlton a mtl!je ne pouvait donc pas mettre 5 etoile quand jai deja ete dormir au ritz...mais les.employés etait gentil...et amicals...jhabote a xote(5 min de marche)jai ete heberge la par ma xompagnie dassurance suite a un degas deau...et bien jaurais aimé que ca dure plus longtemps!jetais bien!...lol

  • en

    David Coulombe


    Dated but clean and well maintained rooms. Has the appearance of a higher end hotel. The room was well worth the price.

  • Bianca McCartney

    Bianca McCartney


    Free parking and breakfast included was terrific. Rooms and common areas were clean and comfortable. Kids loved the pool. Easy access to highway and ammenities in the area! Great value for the cost.

  • en

    Yannick Tellier


    New or recently renovated, quiet and minutes from downtown yet relatively inexpensive. Pool and gym in the facility along with plenty of parking. Just a small drive down the road to a massive shopping mall containing most stores you can think of in fashion etc...

  • en

    Kyle Blandford


    Firstly, this place has excellent service, my room was clean, updated and comfortable, my ac worked and I had a nice bathroom. However, the wifi is extremely slow. It's not really acceptable for Internet to be that slow. I stream radio and video, at this hotel the radio would come in and out and don't even consider streaming video. You will not be able to stream video in an acceptable manner for 2017. To me this was important, it might not be for everyone. Shower had great pressure, service was friendly and responsive to needs. Decent gym and pool that was always clean. Very close to Montreal.

Lodging la plus proche

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