CAP REIT Le Victoria de Longueuil

CanadaCAP REIT Le Victoria


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

1620 Avenue Victoria, Greenfield Park, QC J4V 3G8, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 514-513-1778
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4855523, Longitude: -73.4868008

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Florence Likandja Haïsi


  • DawnStar Losts Gaming

    DawnStar Losts Gaming


    TRÈS cher pour le peu de choses et beaucoup d'interventions inutiles (D'extermination dans la plupart des cas)

  • Nikolas Artem Regimbal

    Nikolas Artem Regimbal


    Very nice and clean hotel.

  • fr

    jean-francois pruneau


  • en

    Tomas McEniry


    Horrible management, INFESTED BY COCKROACHES... and they refused to tell all the tenants to fix the problem properly, instead they try and hide it and send you an exterminator which does not solve the problem because they are in the whole building. Dont be fooled by the general look of the building... at one point there was even roaches in my stove and they didnt want to change my stove... so i threw it out in the parking lot and moved out. also horrible management when you need anything it took 11 months to get my phone set up to the buzzer... NE VOUS FAITES PAS AVOIR! il y a des cafard partout dans le bloc, et ils ne veulent pas regler le probleme il veulent le garder un secret pour ne pas perde des locataires...... j'ai habiter la un ans, pire experience de ma vie en tant que locataire.

Lodging la plus proche

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