Pro-Sol Energy Systems de Sudbury

CanadaPro-Sol Energy Systems



🕗 horaire

3000 Falconbridge Highway #3, Garson, ON P3L 1J6, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-560-3387
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.548337, Longitude: -80.879148

commentaires 4

  • en

    Ed Schillemore


    The service was excellent and the support allowed the solar system to be installed and operational in a remote location without the necessity of a service call. I would highly recommend Prosol to any of my friends.

  • en

    GPS Instructor


    This is an unsolicited opinion from a customer that wants Northerners to know where to go for their Solar System and Propane needs. Pro-Sol Energy Systems is an absolutely amazing company. I live in Garson and I own an off grid camp up north (by Chapleau). After getting numerous quotes for a complete solar system from various companies down south and the internet I was happy to meet Eric and Dan at ProSol (in Garson of all places!!!) They set me straight and taught me that you cannot "patch" together a solar system and expect all the components to work properly. Some panels are 12 volt, 18 volt, 21 volt, 36 get the idea. Each needs the proper breakers and cabling..........ect. ect. ect..... Just because a piece of equipment says its for a solar system doesn't mean it'll work with your parts.......let Pro-Sol do the proper matching so you have a successful solar system. Canadian Tire can't help you with this stuff, don't waste your time attempting to "patch" your system...... Pro-Sol is friendly, knowledgeable and helped me with my complete solar system supply AND installation. I now have a solar fridge, lights, microwave and entertainment center running 100% off my off grid solar system at a fraction of the price that southern companies and internet companies quoted. Pro-Sol Energy Systems are a gem in our own backyard!!!! I attached some pictures of my solar system. I am extremely happy with all aspects of Pro-Sol's service.

  • Cloudline Agency

    Cloudline Agency


    100% Recommend these guys!!

  • en

    Rainbowments Studio


    Awesome people AMAZING SERVICE! I've been on a journey from Vancouver Island to Northern Ontario, and along the way at least half a dozen places couldn't solve my simple problem. The crew at Pro-Sol went so above and beyond! Not only did they recommend a better setup than the one I had, but they let me swap a piece I'd purchased somewhere else for the one I needed at no cost to help a gypsy traveller out, installed it, and checked that it had no leaks! Friendly, knowledgeable and easy location. I will absolutely be coming back to finesse all of the other parts of my vintage camper!!

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