Keystone Homes Inc de Sudbury

CanadaKeystone Homes Inc


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868, Falconbridge Road, P3A 5K7, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-675-2000
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.517103, Longitude: -80.9237085

commentaires 1

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    We are located in the new subdivision (Natures Haven) at the end of St-Michel in Hanmer. We are proud to say that Keystone Homes Inc. built our home. In June 2008 we were looking to build our dream house and heard about this new emerging company so we booked an appointment and sat down with the builder . We picked a house plan throughout the many beautiful and different plans he had to offer. With the builders help , we changed a few things on the house/floor plan to accomodate our needs. All through construction process we were able to picked from floors to wall colors, from faucets to light fixtures.This builder has a whole crew of experienced, friendly and professional workers. Keystone made this house our home. Thank you Keystone Homes. Thanks to Marty, Dan, Kramer and all of you. Caroline Patry

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