Plaza Premium Lounge de Winnipeg

CanadaPlaza Premium Lounge



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Administration Street, R3H 1C1, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-691-7930
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.9060361, Longitude: -97.2235034

commentaires 5

  • en

    Steve Fontes


    Nice lounge food good service good to .I don't fancy the chair /sofa in lounge there's to narrow for my shoulder (I'm big tall guy) quiet place

  • en

    Victor Carter


    Not as comfy as Maple Lead Lounge. The ladies pouring drinks are a little judgemental, would rather care for myself. The food is good but the privacy and space are both limited. Not exactly sure the price is worth the experience considering drink limits and exposure. Attitudes of staff not appreciated but it’s whatever. This lounge may be ok for a shorter layover and if you want to eat a bunch of food, but if you have the time you might want to sit at one of the airport restaurants. Bigger glasses and friendlier staff

  • Lydia Calhoun

    Lydia Calhoun


    The food is great and staff are so nice. Super cozy chairs. It's above the baggage claim so you can people watch.

  • Anne Claros

    Anne Claros


    It's definitely one of the cleanest lounges I've seen. Its layout is very spacious. The glass walls help the space seem even larger. The staff here are extremely friendly. Good addition to the Winnipeg Airport.

  • Wai Chan

    Wai Chan


    People were very friendly. Food is decent with good variety. It's a nice place to sit in while you wait for your flight. I took pictures of the food so you can get a better look.

Boîte de nuit la plus proche

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