Moxie's Grill & Bar de Winnipeg

CanadaMoxie's Grill & Bar



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1485, Portage Avenue, R3G 0W4, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-783-1840
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8822038, Longitude: -97.1986256

commentaires 5

  • Chris Watkinson

    Chris Watkinson


    Really good quality food and drinks available at Moxie. ..great service with a comfortable atmosphere helps to make each visit a treat to look forward to. Reasonable prices for upscale foodies.

  • Bill Stevenson

    Bill Stevenson


    Love the burgers here! I'll contact you guys have thought that if there's wheelchair accessible doorways or bathrooms and parking lot, that might help a bit more. I'm going to try and go cold weather with the faculties they have. Thats all the way to the city on Saturday. Thank you for that.

  • Christina Blanchard

    Christina Blanchard


    Awesome service, Shelby was super friendly and very knowledgeable about the menu and made great recommendations for us. Had a great night out watching the Jets in the play offs!

  • M Lang

    M Lang


    Always excellent food. Excellent service, the staff are friendly. Love the decor and ambiance. Prices are reasonable. Very nice place. I would recommend it to everyone.

  • David



    Moxie's has always beem reliably great through the years. Recently dined at the Polo Park location and had the steak sandwich which was simply superb. We have been to Moxie's many times and the food and service has never been less than great.

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