PetSmart de Toronto




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2050, Queen Street East, M4E 1C9, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-691-0235
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6707498, Longitude: -79.2976896

commentaires 5

  • en

    JS M


    Excellent petsmart, staff and personable service. Grooming staff are great as well but I find some groomers pay more attention to detail than others.

  • Fiorella C.

    Fiorella C.


    Well organized store. We came here to use the self-wash option for our dog who was a mess after playing at nearby Kew beach on a rainy day. The facilities were in good condition, many shampoo and conditioner options, had brushes and detanglers and plenty of fresh towels as well as aprons (to not get completely soaked). Seems like a smaller but better organized pet smart than many of the other larger locations we've been to. Well definitely return!

  • Michelle Kinsella

    Michelle Kinsella


    The people that work here are really friendly and helpful and were so nice to my pup. What I really like about this store is that I bought something online and had it shipped here and within two months it was destroyed. This store happily exchanged for a new one.

  • Chris Van Meggelen

    Chris Van Meggelen


    The groomers were so kind with my cats. They got all the winter coat out, and my two grumpy elderly cats actually loved the brushing. I highly recommend this groomer.

  • en

    J Crosby


    Good store for your pets items. Have a large variety of brands and products. Would have been nice to see some customer service though.

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