Paramount Property Management Inc i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaParamount Property Management Inc



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366, Elgin Street, K2P 1M8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-232-7368
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.415193, Longitude: -75.688375

kommentar 5

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    Jonathan Weber


    The staff are the best! Very friendly

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    Anthony Filoso


    I would highly suggest Paramount rethink their decision of using Park Safe to enforce their parking. I am okay with having to pay, but Park Safe is almost impossible to get a hold of on the phone (we had to call through five times last night before we finally got someone who answered saying, "hello?" as if it were his personal phone). Park Safe will gladly and carefully take your credit card information, but will never get your license plate correct, let alone even ask half the time (we had to remind the guy last night that he needed our plate number). The past THREE times we have paid to park overnight, we have woken up with City of Ottawa issued tickets. We have to go through hoops to get them cancelled. I would highly suggest Paramount rethinks this company, or at least bring these issues up to them. I honestly dread visiting friends in Paramount Properties solely because I know I'm going to get a ticket.

  • Amanda White

    Amanda White


    Horrible place ...building management are are blamed for things you don't do.....I can't wait to move.....I'll never rent from tnem again.

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    Susan Allard


    The interior walls of my apart are full of unsanded repairs leaving lumpy very noticeable areas. Around the doors and baseboards are layered with gobs of paint. Looks like they have been painted over dirt over dirt over dirt. The living room windows don't work properly . They are old and when the screen wouldn't close the solution was to nail it. The windows whistle and rattle when windy. The heater in living room blows cool air. The balcony door would not stay closed so it was locked with the old lock that was on it , now it won't open. The lament floors are lifting and separating the seal on living room window is broke. Drafts comes in all windows and doors. The apartment was painted with inferior paint that comes off when washed. The bedroom closet was off separated and falling as was the hall closet. It was only fixed when a friend came over and fixed them. It took ten minutes.i could go on but I'm just so discouraged with the timeline for repairs that are promised but never delivered . I would seriously say to anyone thinking about renting from paramount DONT

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    Andrea Brown


    I've found the staff to be very helpful with any questions or concerns I may have. My inquires are always answered promptly.

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