Papa John's Pizza de Winnipeg

CanadaPapa John's Pizza



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Pembina Highway, R3M 2B1, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-339-7272
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.864151, Longitude: -97.1482886

commentaires 5

  • Emily Mairi Ruth Clyde-Parry Yaroszko

    Emily Mairi Ruth Clyde-Parry Yaroszko


    There's nothing bad about it, but the options are very limited. If you're a fan of the basic options you'll probably be perfectly happy. They seem to have only the one kind of white crust, no thin option. There's only half a dozen vegetables they have and two of them are spicy peppers. The staff are fast and friendly, and they appear to always have some basic options ready to grab for folks who can't manage to pre-order (the website is really good, easy to use). If you're into more interesting toppings, or vegetarian/vegan they don't have much for options (pizza pizza has good vegan cheese - pro tip.)

  • en

    Ashley-Anne Klowak


    This location has very friendly staff. The guy at the counter had me laughing. I’ve been there a few times and keep ordering that amazing cookie pie. If you haven’t tried it- and want to- say goodbye to whatever body you’re working with. Because it’s addicting 😂😂😂 but soooo guuuuuddeee

  • Pooter Diddler

    Pooter Diddler


    Need to sit down and eat this pizza with knife and fork. I tried to eat it with my hooves and the toppings fell all over the place zero stability no cheese stability bro toppings everywhere my sweat pants are slightly greasier. Pizza tasted really good tho would just recommend the fork n knife sit down pizza nibble.

  • Brad Parker

    Brad Parker


    I've heard mixed things from people about Papa John's, but wow. Really good pizza. I highly recommend this specific location only, just because it's where I ordered from. Also, shout out to the awesome staff. They are very friendly 👍👍

  • en

    C Terrio


    I ended up with heartburn after eating a couple of pieces from one of their pizzas and that is something I have not ever experienced from a pizza. I am skeptical that they are using "the best" ingredients (as their commercials state). I will NEVER return to repeat that experience, nor recommend Papa John's Pizza to anyone - except to those people I do not care much for... I get a better pizza from Domino's and a superior one from Gondola.

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