Naru Sushi Japanese Restaurant de Winnipeg

CanadaNaru Sushi Japanese Restaurant



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159, Osborne Street, R3L 1Y7, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 204-888-0028
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8772449, Longitude: -97.1444059

commentaires 5

  • en

    Krystal Gillespie


    My favorite sushi in all of Winnipeg. Safe for people who don't like fish so much, love fish, vegetarians, or for fans of both traditional, or not so conventional sushi. It is a small restaurant, and is always busy. On this visit the servers were a little busy with the larger crowds of people and didn't have too much time for our small table of two after all our food was served.

  • Mercede



    The first time I tried this place it was amazing, and so I keep going back. The food is amazing, Everytime I go I like to try a different roll and I have yet to have something bad. So much flavor and oh so filling. I also highly recommend their specialty sodas ! Only downside is there isn't enough staff so there is often a long wait

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    Frosty Spikes


    Food was really good. I've been coming bqck here to see if the food is consistent and it is. The food is delicious and worth the price. Everything is plated with a nice design.

  • Toby Bartlett

    Toby Bartlett


    This is one of the best sushi restaurants for vegetarians I’ve ever been to. The menu for not only vegetarian sushi but other foods is immense, and there is certainly something for everyone. The spicy tofu salad is fantastic as is the unique vegetarian bakudan roll. The quality of delivery is just as good as eating in the restaurant which is a rarity. This place may be a little crowded, so you can’t really have private conversation but you are here for the fantastic food, not the ambiance.

  • en

    Mahalia Budzinski


    Great food and service. Easily the best sushi I've had. They were also able to make most things gluten free for me. I will definitely make this a mainstay in my eating out repertoire.

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