Papa John's Pizza de Calgary

CanadaPapa John's Pizza



🕗 horaire

2134, Crowchild Trail Northwest, T2M 3Y7, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-693-4444
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0707127, Longitude: -114.1169116

commentaires 5

  • en

    Oliver Rehberg


    Pizza was awesome. Super friendly staff. As far as you can see into the Kitchen/Work area it is very clean.

  • en



    At first, I thought "it''s just a pizza joint, all these negative reviewers are expecting too much." In actuality, this location really skimps on toppings and my pizza barely had any cheese... not to mention it was over cooked. Maybe try a different location for a quick pizza...

  • en

    Loki Badboy


    Bought many times from this place. Never again two hours and two phone calls, only to find out they didn't take my order right, and my food was sitting for pick up. What part of "tell the guy it's going to be paid by debit card when he gets here" didn't they understand? To bad I really did love the pizza. Time to try Panago

  • Malikai Kinn

    Malikai Kinn


    Poor staff training and standards. Puts Papa John's brand to shame. I stayed at the hotel across the street from this location and ordered pizza and wings one night, pizza was cold and stale and wings were raw and slimy. I usually get good pizza from Papa John's so I gave them another try a few nights later, but the wings were raw once more. Two strikes is enough for me to warn others to beware of this location.

  • Daniel Szymanski

    Daniel Szymanski


    ***FOOD POISONING!*** Stay clear of this location, ordered two Medium pizza's last night and about 4-5 hours after eating woke up to the horror that is diarrhoea while vomiting at the same time. Girlfriend experienced the same symptoms and the only other thing we had to eat or drink that day was cereal in the morning. Pretty much done with Papa John's, in general, I never want to experience anything like this again, and I hope this alerts people to a severe problem with this location.

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