Original Joe's Restaurant & Bar de Fort McMurray

CanadaOriginal Joe's Restaurant & Bar



🕗 horaire

8406, Franklin Avenue, T9H 2J3, Fort McMurray, Division No. 16, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 780-750-6544
site web: www.originaljoes.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 56.7179436, Longitude: -111.3554082

commentaires 5

  • Craig Nicol

    Craig Nicol


    Ok food and the two sides with many of the dishes makes it good value if you are hungry. Grilled cheese cheese burger and fish and chips are my favorites

  • Craig Chambers

    Craig Chambers


    not bad, abit of a long wait for food.

  • Landry Mike

    Landry Mike


    Decent food but terrible service despite the fact I went during a time when it was slow. Other OJ's I've been to are much better.

  • Dylan Robinson

    Dylan Robinson


    Food taste really good and drinks are refreshing. I ordered the chicken wings and greek ribs, meat is tender, juicy and cooked well. For the drinks, I enjoyed the raspberry burst a lot. I'll be coming back for seconds.

  • en

    Rachel Peterson


    Our fav tuesday night date night location. 5 bucks for wings and super cheap happy hour Beer on tap. Great waitressing staff

Bar la plus proche

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