Boston Pizza de Fort McMurray

CanadaBoston Pizza



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110, Millennium Drive, T9K 1Y8, Fort McMurray, Division No. 16, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 780-715-1999
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 56.7555318, Longitude: -111.4613771

commentaires 5

  • vgames



    Great staff. fast service. good quality food. No complaints

  • en

    Rob Matthews


    Would have rated higher but unfortunately I had a very hard time understanding the waitress language accent. Had to ask repeatedly for a coffee refill but gave up. Food was decent though which is a plus.

  • en

    Elizabeth Nicholas


    Great service food was fast considering the size group we had! Can never go wrong with Boston pizza. Foods and drinks are great!

  • Kilocity33 Roblox

    Kilocity33 Roblox


    I have been coming here since this place was built. I love the service here, and the one funny thing is that I have been getting almost the same serve for almost 5 years. Everything, the quality, the ingredients, all fresh and delicious. Service is amazing, but there are some things that could use some work.

  • en

    Brianna Macdonald


    Honestly it has always been one of my favorite places since I was a kid. I also enjoy fish bowel Friday it's my favorite day of the week. They honestly have the best pizza and pasta I'm always impressed.

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