Ollia Macarons & Tea de Calgary

CanadaOllia Macarons & Tea



🕗 horaire

810C, 16 Avenue Southwest, T2R 0S9, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-457-9775
site web: www.byollia.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0383304, Longitude: -114.0800573

commentaires 5

  • en

    Katie Cheung


    By the best place to get macarons. They probably have one of the largest variety’s to choose from on a daily basis. They last up to 5 days with the soft Center and hard outer shell. Very cute interior as well.

  • Pauve Guy

    Pauve Guy


    Macaroons we're delicious. Great assortment. Some we're obviously much fresher then others. The tea they have is AMAZING and pairs incredibly well with the cookies. They offer classes to teach you how to make them. Would give 4 stars for lack of seating but it's just such a cute little boutique and there's even free parking there are certain times.

  • Lisa Bourgeault

    Lisa Bourgeault


    Great tasting macarons! A little on the expensive side but so nice to try!

  • Kristina Kotik

    Kristina Kotik


    I recently visited the makarons master class. I liked everything very much, thank you chef for your knowledge. At home, I got great macaroons❤

  • en

    Amy Jones


    The Macaron 101 Baking class was so much fun. I'd highly recommend it to everyone looking for a unique activity to do with your loved ones or friends. Chef is passionate and attentive and gives you absolute confidence in your baking skills (zero baking skill required) through his hands on teaching methods. During the class we were able to taste a few of Ollia's delicious Macarons and tea, and because we paid for the class we got a 10% discount on everything in store. This is was unique and fun gift!

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