European Bakery & Deli de Calgary

CanadaEuropean Bakery & Deli



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515, 17 Avenue Southwest, T2S 0A9, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-806-3768
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.03766, Longitude: -114.07228

commentaires 5

  • en

    Alp E.


    Try their delicious BOREK. There are various fillings; beef, cheese, spinach and potato. Friendly, little bakery great if want to have a quick and tasty lunch. They have a corner store as well where you can find rare eastern European brands. Love it!

  • hr

    Marina Beljurevic


    Obozavamo obi mesto ....odlican burek I peciva...

  • en

    Kenan Dedic


    Ordered bread from here. Supposed to be fresh baked for order but I noticed immediatly that the ends of the bread were hard while the rest were soft. I assume the dough was frozen and then baked or I didn't get fresh bread. However the staff is extremly kind, so I'm willing to look the other way this time.

  • Melissa Yeung

    Melissa Yeung


    I have never been there before but I called to ask about their food and my question was called 'stupid' by the worker. terrible customer service. I tried calling again and she called me uneducated since I am a grade nine student doing a global leadership project. She was rude and threatened to call the police when all I asked was what they do with their food at the end of the day. consumer service is terrible.

  • John Manzo

    John Manzo


    I got the half Chevap sandwich. Oh my God it's amazing, a sort of beef meatballs on the most delicious bread, bread like I have never had in Canada. Well worth the wait as it has to be cooked and assembled a la minute.

Boulangerie la plus proche

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