New Canadians Lumber de Toronto

CanadaNew Canadians Lumber



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804, Dupont Street, M6G 1Z6, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 416-531-2401
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6709615, Longitude: -79.4257603

commentaires 5

  • Yuriy Maystrenko

    Yuriy Maystrenko


    Good service! Friendly. Just hard to get yard materials.

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    Jar jar Bibkyg


    It’s a nightmare. Head office should cut association with this group. A black eye to reputation and brand. Can’t wait for a big box to put them out of business. Of keen point..... Shopping here is like riding a vomit comet. 1/. Overbearing Condescending outright Rude staff. Who will speak or treat you like your scum from the moment you walk in off the street. Of keen point.... Watch out for the obnoxious guy that mixes paints.... 2/. An enduring attitude of their doing you a favour by your patronizing their business while your spending your money.... 3/.Watch out for dubious prices. 4/. Cashier clerks are lazy twits. IN SHORT.... Do yourself a favour and shop elsewhere.

  • Simon Tyler

    Simon Tyler


    Great for building supplies, electrical, paint, tools, and lumber. Good advice, fair prices, delivery

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    Colm O'Shea


    These guys are the best. Came in with a little clogged kitchen sink and the CSR behind the counter walked me to the plumbing section; gave me options and made me feel like a plumber. Will keep, keep coming back.

  • Caio Freitas

    Caio Freitas


    Great selection for your building needs. They have pretty much everything you'll need to build or renovate a house. Customer service is hit-and-miss. Otherwise I'd give 5 stars.

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