Lee Valley de Toronto

CanadaLee Valley



🕗 horaire

590, King Street West, M5V 1M3, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-366-5959
site web: www.leevalley.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6446256, Longitude: -79.3996934

commentaires 5

  • Michael Davis

    Michael Davis


    Excellent customer service from a knowledgeable staff. Very hard not to leave there without buying a new tool to add to your collection.

  • kristin tran

    kristin tran


    A very spacious place that has plenty of choices for DIY craft or tools for your hobbies. How you order items here is unusual for many people (but it's a simple process), so ask an employee if you've never been here before or never even stepped foot onto a tool store. The employees are very generous for even first timers so don't fret about asking and just follow their easy instructions on purchasing.

  • Ian McKenzie

    Ian McKenzie


    Awesome selection of woodworking/gardening tools and accessories. For me, browsing this place was as good as attending a movie. Looks like they have woodworking seminars too which I will definitely be checking out.

  • Jennifer Cote

    Jennifer Cote


    If you have a creative mind, walking through this store feels nothing short of inspirational. The staff treat you like family and the selection is beyond your imagination. Woodworking heaven.

  • Jay Järvalt

    Jay Järvalt


    A unique tool company which has many unusual & useful items for all types of activities. Prices are reasonably fair for quality. Good to browse for awhile. I purchased doorstop, battery tester, knife, loupe, Swedish brush clearer, Danish flashlights . . . staff helpful in testing and comparing items. Parking is hard but not yet impossible if you come at low demand times.

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