Montana's BBQ & Bar de Sudbury

CanadaMontana's BBQ & Bar



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1300, Marcus Drive, P3B 4K5, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-566-7615
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5039717, Longitude: -80.9433818

commentaires 5

  • Ron B

    Ron B


    Always a great experience at Montana's. Great food, great service, great atmosphere. It's just great. Great, great, great.

  • Kerissa Young

    Kerissa Young


    Food is always so good and the waiters/waitresses are very kind. I never have any problems when I visit. Plus its fun to doodle on the tables!

  • en

    Taylor Reid


    Worst one I've been to. Not hard to figure out why the restaurant was empty at 7pm. rude staff. food wasnt horrible but pretty blah. dude beside me was served brown broccoli and the server acted like he didn't know that was a bad thing. not a welcoming environment

  • Ben Dennie

    Ben Dennie


    We went for a birthday and they celebrated it very well! Love the food and customer service was great.

  • Rogue Hero

    Rogue Hero


    Burgers are great, steak is decent, chicken is...not the best. I love coming here because I generally get the firecracker burger or whatever it's called, and my youngest daughter loves it. Gets kinda busy sometimes, but it's not bad if you're looking for a half decent steak or a great burger. Oh, and their four cheese spinach dip appetizer is amazing!

Restaurant la plus proche

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