Kelseys Original Roadhouse de Sudbury

CanadaKelseys Original Roadhouse



🕗 horaire

1425, Kingsway, P3B 0A2, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-524-3435
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5034754, Longitude: -80.9498226

commentaires 5




    We went to Kelsey's restaurant with the family we ordered the large nacho it was so big it look like it should have been on a hot on a sewer grate everybody ate the food and enjoyed it I hear you can even put pulled pork steak or chicken on those tacos making them even better

  • en

    Catherine Benoit


    The food was great but the service was horrible. Had to find our own waitress after sitting for over 20 mins.

  • Nolan Sarlo

    Nolan Sarlo


    Wonton Nachos were the best. They took them away, I was sadden by this. Then I went back after a few years. They had the biggest, most delicious, Nachos I have ever had since the Wonton Nachos. Keep up the good work! 10/5

  • mark naguib

    mark naguib


    You get what you pay for i guess. The service is okay. The food is blugh... the meat i ordered was mostly fat and very greasy. Never went back after that one time and won't be going again.

  • Stephanie Chipman

    Stephanie Chipman


    We love this is good and the prices are not bad. Love that it is close to shopping and the movie theater as well as chapters 🙂 We will be back

Restaurant la plus proche

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