MEC Victoria de Victoria

CanadaMEC Victoria



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1450, Government Street, V8W 1Z2, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-386-2667
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.42804, Longitude: -123.3674002

commentaires 5

  • Dustin Batchelor

    Dustin Batchelor


    Excellent products and knowledgeable staff. You need a membership to shop here but it's very cheap and is a one-time purchase. This is my go-to store for bike accessories, camping gear, water equipment, and backpacks. Excellent selection of clothes as well. There is a public bathroom. Line ups can be long but move fast.

  • Takuma Valcourt

    Takuma Valcourt


    This place is great. Not only do they know their tech, they also dig into the philosophical side of each sport. Pretty bang on service. Rock solid.

  • Rory Lambert

    Rory Lambert


    This is a magical place. The Unicorns gather on the third moon after the Solstice. Gore-Tex is also available.

  • Joseph Hoh

    Joseph Hoh


    MEC is one of my favourite places to shop for active wear. The quality is usually high even though the coop's own designs are not always the most attractive or forward. However, MEC carries other brands that are attractive. The rock solid guarantee has always been a buying point for me. I also wish they had smaller men's size ie. xs. Its always fun to shop there and I always have to be careful that I only buy what I went to look for. The online store is also very helpful and delivery for in store pick up is free. The staff are knowledgeable and very helpful if you need help.

  • Krysty McIntyre

    Krysty McIntyre


    Staff are knowledgeable and happy. Space is tight but lots of up to date stock including details like local hiking guides. They also do trail and hiking workshops that don't feel like they're only trying to promote product. Lots of gear items like rations and multi tools.

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