Macs Cycle Centre de Victoria

CanadaMacs Cycle Centre



🕗 horaire

3627, Shelbourne Street, V8P 4H1, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-477-7612
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.459344, Longitude: -123.3322118

commentaires 5

  • en

    Olivia Pase


    I bought two bikes from here and they are amazing. The owner is super friendly and spends lots of time helping and explaining everything. He always goes above and beyond! He also did an amazing job packing up the bikes so that we could take them on the airplane! Buy your bikes here!!!!

  • en

    Brandon Gaudette


    Excellent customer service and knowledgable employees. I bought a bike there and couldn't be happier.

  • Martin Tierney

    Martin Tierney


    Great bike shop. Best kid's bikes in town.

  • en

    Eric C


    Great service. Very friendly staff. Provided helpful assistance in taking care of my bike. Would definitely come here whenever I need bike assistance.

  • Robert Mitchell

    Robert Mitchell


    I brought my 2 year old bike in for a tune up. I ended up paying almost $200 with no call about extra charges. They left one of my reflectors loose too but did a good tune up job. Could have got this done at one of Vic’s many bike shops for 1/2 the price.

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