Luluz Market de Yellowknife

CanadaLuluz Market



🕗 horaire

480, Range Lake Road, X1A 3R9, Yellowknife, Fort Smith Region, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 867-873-2003
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 62.4470857, Longitude: -114.4104646

commentaires 5

  • en



    Beautiful foods and products but ridiculously overpriced. It's no surprise to me any time I shop at Luluz there's no other customers in the store. The markup on relatively common brands and products is absolutely absurd. Expect to pay at least double what you would on the same item at a Whole Foods. In addition, 90% of the staff are snobby and rude and will only contribute to an unpleasant shopping experience.

  • michelle flett

    michelle flett


    I made a phone call to your store, before I took my lunch break because I usually make my way to your store, and lately you haven’t had ham and Swiss sandwiches which is totally okay, I just wanted to know what kind there was available but The lady that answered the phone was very rude and short with me and was even laughing that I had even asked what kind there was she responded well we always have ham and Swiss but I’ll check so she went and checked and there wasn’t any so I had then asked her what is available and she had no clue & laughed then proceeded to tell me she has a customer and has to go so then she hung up on me & Which is very unprofessional in my opinion because I am still a customer too, & A loyal one at that and just needed a response on what sandwiches you had available! I am very unimpressed & Will be grabbing my lunch somewhere else ! :(

  • en

    Yannis Labrakis


    Great food and amazing chef

  • Gary Roy

    Gary Roy


    Awesome foods! staffs are great too!

  • Jay Lafferty

    Jay Lafferty


    great foods taste really delicious but a little pricey though.

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