Liquor Depot de Calgary

CanadaLiquor Depot



🕗 horaire

825, 12 Avenue Southwest, T2R 0J2, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-228-1525
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0417965, Longitude: -114.0806194

commentaires 5

  • Kevin Wood

    Kevin Wood


    Fair prices, great helpful staff.

  • CAP 20

    CAP 20


    Decent stock for a small store nice staff

  • Samantha L

    Samantha L


    My go-to liquor store. Friendly and reliable. Keep an eye it for coupons in the mail

  • William Van

    William Van


    Walked in with a few buddy's about to buy a bunch of alcohol for a large party, several cases of beer, several bottles of wine, about $150-200 worth. Store was about to close and the cashier said we have 5 mins to buy something before the store closes. We acknowledged and went to grab everything we needed and lined up before the clock reached closing time. By the time the line reached to us, the cashier told us the store is closed and couldn't process our order and wouldn't accept our payment. What a load of bull! She was rude and obnoxious about it. Terrible way to run a business and makes me wonder how this little store is still in business. We left everything and went to the next nearby liquor store and spent our money there. Your loss, never shopping at this particular liquor store ever again. If upper management is reading this, I hope you heed this warning to fix your customer service policies. If I was running a store and my employees didn't have the competency to accept final orders on a already formed line at the cashier, they would be fired immediately due to the amount of lost business and income. Every store that's closing would normally tell new customers they are closed and bar from entering the door and process all customers still in line; NOT tell customers in line time's up the second the clock strikes closing time and refuse people's business who wasted their time waiting in line. Unbelievable!

  • Abbey Hesser

    Abbey Hesser


    Good selection for the size. Staff seemed nice and helpful.

Magasin d'alcool la plus proche

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