Metrovino de Calgary




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722, 11 Avenue Southwest, T2R 0E4, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 403-205-3356
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.043006, Longitude: -114.077989

commentaires 5

  • Stephanie Borgens

    Stephanie Borgens


    Always super helpful and friendly

  • en

    Karen Dias Lobo


    A lovely cosy place to buy all kinds of wine. The staff are very friendly and knowledgeable and this place also has occasional wine tasting nights with instructors and food. Great place!

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    Chad Neufeld


    Super helpful people with both personality and knowledge. Amazing wine in a very cool building. And while you're there, pick up some pasteries from downstairs.

  • Bruce Young

    Bruce Young


    Always enjoy a visit to Metrovino. The staff are very friendly and helpful and make a solid recommendation in my price range.

  • Taryn Riley

    Taryn Riley


    I'm not big on wine, personally, but I was there to buy a gift. The guys working were so knowledgeable and helpful steering me in the right direction. They also have a great variety of price points, which I wasn't expecting when I first walked in!

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