Lim Bangkok Grocery de Ottawa

CanadaLim Bangkok Grocery



🕗 horaire

794 Somerset St W, K1R 6R2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-594-4673
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4096052, Longitude: -75.7102294

commentaires 5

  • Sandakuu kuu

    Sandakuu kuu


    It has been my favorite store for 2 years and trusted them completely.. recently I've noticed that dried goods are expired so they rearranged and selling them... last time I bought a wafer and found out the expired date were way beyond and the product are not edible at all.. except for the vegetables watch out if you buy dried goods from there.. my experience eggs are expired.. food in the cans.. and the dried snacks packs and noodles.. check carefully expired date even the sticker look wet and tear off.

  • en

    J. Z


    Great selection of Thai groceries. Great prices. Friendly staff

  • en

    Faye Khoo


    Rating is somewhat relative to Chinatown stores. Pretty good variety of items at fairly decent prices. Customer service was good.

  • Lex Watson

    Lex Watson


    Love this place. Great prices and always friendly. Would love to see some renovations but that will not stop me from shopping there regularly.

  • David Scrimshaw

    David Scrimshaw


    Nice selection of produce. I love getting a little bag of scotch bonnet peppers every time I shop there. I'm happy to see plantain. The greens are terrific. But what puts them over the top for me is that they sell winged beans.

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