Kaashi Foods Centre de Ottawa

CanadaKaashi Foods Centre



🕗 horaire

802, Somerset Street West, K1R 7J9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-234-7226
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4093509, Longitude: -75.7106268

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Rock Richer


    On trouve de tout

  • en

    Arshad Hayat


    so awesome place best taste of real authnic Indian food

  • en

    Jack Li


    They need to make smaller batches of Indian sweets I bought some and they were very hard looked like they only had a few left. They should throw it out and just make some fresh ones and not be stingy

  • Richard Bridle

    Richard Bridle


    This is the best place in Ottawa's downtown core to find Indian groceries. They also make some excellent take out food. The owners are super helpful and really friendly.

  • Andrew Roberts

    Andrew Roberts


    Fair selection, a little expensive. The lady was really nice, and it's a convenient location (for centertown folk)

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