KFC de Toronto




🕗 horaire

444, Yonge Street, M5B 2H4, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-596-7869
site web: www.kfc.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6609275, Longitude: -79.3836822

commentaires 5

  • Ji-Won Park

    Ji-Won Park


    I ordered snack size popcorn chicken, they put small size popcorn chicken without even asking me. I gently asked them to change it to snack size. I got the order and left, and realized they didn’t put fries that comes with it. What a people.

  • en

    Joseph Jin


    Ordered the 16 piece family combo. This was around 2:30pm on Sat Jan. 6. While a young girl was putting the chicken in the bucket a short guy around 5'4 who appeared to be in charge came over and told her to stop putting in the chicken. I did not think much of this and just thought she was new or something. But when I came home there was only 10 pieces of chicken in the bucket. Will never go to this Kfc again.

  • M-P Joanis

    M-P Joanis


    They are very nice and efficient, you don't wait long for good service and your yummy food! Hey, it's KFC and it's my weekly treat! Love it! Cheers

  • Maggie W

    Maggie W


    They gave us a small chicken leg and service was bad.




    The store smells like something is burned. Been there twice, same smell.

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