Sambuca Grill de Toronto

CanadaSambuca Grill



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21, Baldwin Street, M5T 1L1, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-595-6277
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6559901, Longitude: -79.3929869

commentaires 5

  • Will S.

    Will S.


    The curry mussels are great but if you dont order drinks the servers can get quite rude and cold.

  • Rawr Danasaur

    Rawr Danasaur


    Nice service, good prices, beer was great 😊

  • Sonia Strimban

    Sonia Strimban


    Depressing experience. Salads, mildly passable. Though veggies poorly selected - green tomatoes; and not the heirloom, artisanal kind, simply not ripe! Pasta = limp, over cooked noodles and watery bland sauce. All other ingredients come from frozen, likely microwaved prior to being served. Dessert is a nightmare!!! Crème brûlée served in a soup bowl, is a congealed refrigerated goop that's broiled a few minutes before table. Teramisu - more goop covered in a dust of cocoa and icing sugar so fine it attacks your throat and causes coughing fits with each bite. Lava cake has a white chocolate filling that is served not even close to being 'molten' - still hard in the centre. Don't come for the food - have a couple drinks on the patio in summer and move on.

  • en

    Uditha K


    Amazing food and service. Steak was exactly how I ordered. Vegetables well cooked. Noticed the new menue and very impressed. Totally recommend to anyone who craves Italian.

  • en

    Amy Shi


    Went there for the Prix Fixed lunch for $15. It was amazing! Both my bf and I loved our meals and the servings were generous too!. Highly recommended

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