Hudson's Bay Centre de Toronto

CanadaHudson's Bay Centre



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2, Bloor Street East, M4W 1A8, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 416-972-3333
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6711317, Longitude: -79.3858715

commentaires 5

  • Mohamed A

    Mohamed A


    When I went in yesterday, there was literally one employee working on the main floor. There was another guy there, too, but when I asked him if he could let me into a fitting room, he said 'sorry, I work for Levi's'. This same man was rude to other guests that were shopping and got angry whenever someone would 'mess up' his precious Levi's items. I had a few items in my hand and, the horror, I placed them atop some Levi's jeans. He immediately took my items and tried to move them away. When I turned around and saw what he was doing, he was like 'oh, these are your items?'. Anyways, was able to find a person who ACTUALLY worked for The Bay and he checked us out. The escalators weren't functioning either. A pathetic excuse for The Bay. To top it all off, I spotted Levi's Man taking pictures of his cool display while I was leaving.

  • Trevor MacKay

    Trevor MacKay


    There are a few nice stores in here (like The Source, the Dollar Store, and a Shopper's Drug Mart), but I mainly go here for the food court. The food court has a good variety of options (with only a couple of the big franchises. Whether that's good or not is up to you).

  • en

    Rose Chong


    Suppose to be the larger one from all the other bay stores. Instead of attending this, I went to the food court instead & went and bought a herbal tea from The Bagel Shop. The nice lady there lent her microwave to me&heated my lunch @4:30pm. No charge. I have food sensitivities. Thank goodness.

  • Mark Kerr

    Mark Kerr


    Although it doesn't look like much from the outside, this place has almost everything you need. There's washrooms, tons of shopping, a great food court, the MAIN spot for transit, (you can head N, S, E or West from there by subway) and a liquor store! There's also the 'path', which can get you all over the downtown area indoors, also with tons of shopping and amenities. Be sure to enjoy it.

  • Nikhil Patil

    Nikhil Patil


    It’s one of the stores I visit at least once every month. Great collection of fragrances and home decor. Men’s dress/formal wear collection is pretty good too. There’s always some discounts. While some of the store representatives are very friendly and approachable, the others are rude. Also, men’s casual collection in the basement area feels very claustrophobic with little air circulation. Overall, I still like the store and would continue to visit.

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