HomeSense de Toronto




🕗 horaire

80-82, Spadina Avenue, M5V 2J4, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-304-0125
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6461453, Longitude: -79.3958035

commentaires 5

  • Alessandro Volta

    Alessandro Volta


    I'd love being there in Tronna :-)) shopping for nice stuffs… Regards from Italy.

  • en

    Tanya Vaswani


    I had an issue with the incorrect headboard that was delivered to me from another location. Nancy the store manager was amazing. She helped me out and was extremely nice! I will definitely go back to this location. Staff is friendly and helpful.

  • Mehrdad Alemzadeh

    Mehrdad Alemzadeh


    Cozy and located in an unexpected place. It's small compared to many others in down town so options might be limitted however you may end up with something special too.

  • Linda Crook

    Linda Crook


    This is my favourite Home Sense in the downtown area. Is neat and in order and has a huge selection of just about everything. Big store!

  • Nabeel Hussain

    Nabeel Hussain


    Went to get bathmats and bath supplies. Was disappointed by the lack of choice in colors - all they had were shades of white, grey and green. In addition, every other item was made in India - which, being from that region, for me, means poor quality. Thumbs up though for the people who work there. Very friendly and helpful!

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