Home Outfitters de Thunder Bay

CanadaHome Outfitters



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349, Main Street, P7B 5L6, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 807-344-7411
site web: www.homeoutfitters.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4035876, Longitude: -89.2366194

commentaires 5

  • en

    Thomas Skoropad


    Good deals this weekend 50% off plus another 20% friends and family.

  • Dave Turmaine

    Dave Turmaine


    Just window shopping after work.

  • Kirtis Bakalarczyk

    Kirtis Bakalarczyk


    It's a fun store to explore, but the merchandise is expensive. Don't get anything that isn't on sale.

  • Kelly sebulski

    Kelly sebulski


    Expensive place would rather buy online so I can find best prices possible for my money..however the store is clean bright and even though the number of staff is lacking the service was excellent. ....when we found someone

  • en

    Jessie E


    This store used to have more selection and have items displayed nicely. Now it looks like a warehouse. Boxes everywhere. Boxes being used as shelves and stacked insanely high. Looks very junky. Items are not taken care of - picture frames are laying flat on top of each other scratched and broken - not to mention the selection of picture frames is brutal. I've gone in every week for the past two months to see if this is just a changeover hoping to enjoy our gift cards - We registered here for our wedding and therefore have a huge amount in gift cards to spend...wish we could get that money back. HUGE disappointment as when we rigestered the store wasn't nearly this horrific. Place is also ridiculously over priced. If you're registering go to homesense.

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