Canadian Tire de Thunder Bay

CanadaCanadian Tire



🕗 horaire

939, Fort William Road, P7B 3A6, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 807-623-1999
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4032498, Longitude: -89.2402692

commentaires 5

  • Patrick Bluth

    Patrick Bluth


    I was just looking around the store, when I was suddenly yelled at by an employee for having a backpack. He informed me that if I wanted to shop I had to leave my bag at the front of the store. I refused and left, and instead made my purchase at D & R. I have a backpack to carry the things I would like to buy. Stop treating your customers like criminals. I will not return to this location while they continue to do so.

  • David T. James

    David T. James


    Mechanics and senior automotive parts staff are stellar! Very knowledgable and friendly. Make a quiet inquiry with the younger desk staff as to the first names of the senior staff, address the senior staff by first name, and respectfully of your place in line as well as their current workload, and they will go the extra mile to give you solid advice and support.

  • Edward Giles

    Edward Giles


    Always great deals on a wide range of products. No hassle returns.

  • AhhhTube



    I love my Canadian Tire. They usually have anything I need. It seems they have more, and knowledgeable staff lately. I think they have had to step up their game with the local competition :(

  • en

    Catherine Niemi


    Amazing People that go above and beyond! As a professional shopper I appreciate the excellent assistance and personal service I receive at this store.

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