Heart Pharmacy IDA de Victoria

CanadaHeart Pharmacy IDA



🕗 horaire

3643, Shelbourne Street, V8P 4H1, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-477-1881
site web: www.heartpharmacy.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.459694, Longitude: -123.3322068

commentaires 5

  • en

    Karen Ross


    Kudos to the pharmacist Andrea Silver for going above and beyond to fill a prescription that no one else in town could be bothered to help me with. Tried to get the medication in 10 different pharmacies but no stock in any of those places and it was on back order. Andrea was good enough to fax/phone my Dr. office and find an alternate. And all done with a smile and heartfelt caring. Heart Pharmacy is my new go to - THANK YOU

  • Tanis Abuda

    Tanis Abuda


    Pharmacist was great and they offer free delivery!

  • Jenn Kristianson

    Jenn Kristianson


    A very unique selection of giftable items. Clean and well-stocked store. The staff used to be consistently warm and helpful but have been replaced with huffy and terse people.

  • Elsie Viola Dupuis

    Elsie Viola Dupuis


    I recall this pharmacy being half the size it is now. They were one of the first to get the 24 hr blood pressure monitor. Situated in a strip mall facing Shelbourne street.

  • Paula Hosking

    Paula Hosking


    Best pharmacy in town! The pharmacist is super helpful and has a great attitude. The staff are always lovely too. My son loves going in because they remember his name and that makes him feel important. Keep up the great work!

Pharmacie la plus proche

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