FLOFORM Countertops de Saskatoon

CanadaFLOFORM Countertops



🕗 horaire

10-710 Cynthia St, Saskatoon, SK S7L 6A2, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-665-7733
site web: floform.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1597122, Longitude: -106.6773325

commentaires 5

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    Betty Harper


    Awesome service from start to finish - excellent crew to work with. Would highly recommend FLOWFORM to anyone looking for counter tops!

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    Laurel Lindgren


    Greeted at the door. Super great service. Knowledgeable staff. Beautiful space. Lots of options. Learned about prices and sales right away. Highly recommend this business.

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    R HN


    They were very honest about a material problem, even though it meant a bit of a delay, but did a fantastic job on a Formica Ogee edge laminate countertop. Highly recommended.

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    Holly Baird


    Beautiful countertops. Install was quick and efficient. Looks great!

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    The two installers were very courteous, professional and very knowledgeable. They took their time and did an excellent job on the countertop installation. We are very pleased and love the quartz new quay. Kathy Balaski/Saskatoon

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