Fatburger de Yellowknife




🕗 horaire

100, Borden Drive, X1A 3W1, Yellowknife, Fort Smith Region, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 867-920-2900
site web: www.fatburgercanada.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 62.4500337, Longitude: -114.406192

commentaires 5

  • en

    Matt Boychuk


    Good food and good service, conviently located, nice and clean overal a 10/10 experience, will come back again

  • en

    lily astels


    Food tastes like sodium and costs a mass amount. Cant even taste the chicken in the chicken burgers because all i taste is salt. Decent milkshakes at least.

  • agatha gil barraquio

    agatha gil barraquio


    The place is comfortable. The servers are helpful and accommodating. I ordered wings and mushroom swiss burger with guacamole, it tasted fresh and good but nothing extra ordinary. The only thing that bothers me a bit is the washroom, i find it kinda dirty. Probably they are short staff that is why it was not maintained properly in that day. Overall, the place is good for a casual hangout and eat out.

  • Nolan



    I h8 Bhaven, he sux. Jk luv you Bhaven.

  • Joseph Zoe martin

    Joseph Zoe martin


    Foods good. Wait times FEEL long but actually aren't. Need bigger cups for drinks. Only have a small size .

Restaurant la plus proche

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