Diamante Restaurant de Yellowknife

CanadaDiamante Restaurant



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483, Range Lake Road, X1A 3R9, Yellowknife, Fort Smith Region, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 867-920-2971
site web: www.diamanterestaurant.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 62.4455752, Longitude: -114.4094868

commentaires 5

  • en

    Yannis Labrakis


    Great food and service.i took my sweetheart for valentines

  • Trevor Squires

    Trevor Squires


    Needs a face lift. Average price for sit down meals. Service is always good.

  • en

    Rhiannon Leshyk


    The food here is delicious (house made pasta), they are great with kids, and on Friday and Saturdays they have a pianist! Such a wonderful comfortable atmosphere.

  • Dusty Sauder

    Dusty Sauder


    Wonderful service and great live music (piano). Food was pretty good, everything (especially the sauces) was a bit salty though.

  • Trevor Squires

    Trevor Squires


    For the times my wife and I have eaten here we have no complaints, though, nothing special about the service of the food. Quiet, has a piano.

Restaurant la plus proche

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