Dollarama de Sudbury




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1299 Marcus Dr, Silver Hills Centre, Sudbury, ON P3B 4K6, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-560-3103
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5011124, Longitude: -80.9448352

commentaires 5

  • Rennee Beland

    Rennee Beland


    Every time I walk into the dollar store for one item I walk out with well over 20. Whether it's holiday decorations or painting supplies so that I can show my kids different painting techniques Dollarama is always there to make sure I have what I need.

  • en

    Derek Edwards


    Great selection. Great price got quality. Plenty of parking.

  • Mary Abdelsayed

    Mary Abdelsayed


    Nice place with great varieties. I shopped today for travel sized stuff. They already have Easter stuff and st Patrick's. They have accessible entrance and parking spaces and a good sized parking lot. There is a Sallu Beauty and shoe place in the same plaza. Nice and friendly staff and lots of fun

  • Mary Abdelsayed

    Mary Abdelsayed


    Lovely place to shop for disposable stuff or travelling sizes for good prices The staff are very friendly and the wait to pay was acceptable. I had a good experience today. It has accessible entrances and parking spaces are alot. You won't be disappointed. They already have Easter stuff and st Patrick's etc. Hope you find my review helpful. If so please hit the helpful button. Thanks for reading.

  • Stephanie Chipman

    Stephanie Chipman


    I can only say positive stuff about Dollarama their shelves are always stock the aisles are always clean and everything is easy to find. I love the fact that they carry so many holiday items for every occasion.

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