Devonian Gardens de Calgary

CanadaDevonian Gardens



🕗 horaire

CORE Shopping Centre, 333 7 Avenue SW, 4th floor, Calgary, AB T2P 1B5, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-268-2489
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.046397, Longitude: -114.069113

commentaires 5

  • Daspeks



    This review is exclusively for "Tandori" at the Devonian Gardens. Extremely disappointed with the food there. The old guy who serves is rude and the food is not even close to authentic Indian. AVOID "Biryani" at all costs. IT IS A WASTE OF MONEY. They serve curried rice in the name of biryani. Total rip off!

  • Marc Jimenez

    Marc Jimenez


    I used to go here all the time and loved it so much but due to the constant construction I stopped coming all together. I've always checked the website to see if the gardens were open (which, every single time, it did), and the five different occasions I went to The Core specifically to go the gardens, it's been under renovation; and this is over the span of TWO years! I haven't even had a chance to see what it looks like after the initial major renovations but by judging by other reviews, it isn't worth seeing. It's sad that such a great part of downtown has been lost.

  • Tim O.

    Tim O.


    The atmosphere is great and relaxing, all though renovations have made the park small they will be done renovating this spring. Reading a book in the winter in this garden is nice. If you work nearby it’s a great place to come after work to relax. As it’s located on the same floor as the food court you can also get a snack or food when you’re hungry.

  • en

    tim guimon


    It seems that ever since Calgary decided to shrink and "improve" Devonian Gardens its been a #@$ show as far as quality of construction or planning. I've been there 4 times in the last 3 years and every time its been 80% closed due to some constantly re occurring repairs! Today was the same when we decided to take some out of town visitors down there, even when the website states that all repairs were due to be completed in 2017 the place was AGAIN 80% closed. Either get your stuff together and update your website accurately or give the construction over to qualified companies.




    It's completely a different world inside the garden. You are in green zone surrounding by a lots of trees and small pond. Have piano near the pond. Thanks to some lovely people who run the piano while you sitting there and enjoying the beauty. Also there is a small kids play ground there.

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