Central Memorial Park de Calgary

CanadaCentral Memorial Park



🕗 horaire

1221, 2 Street Southwest, T2R 0W5, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-268-2489
site web: www.calgary.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0411119, Longitude: -114.0691193

commentaires 5

  • Adam Fyfe Real Estate

    Adam Fyfe Real Estate


    If you can tether your laptop & do some work I would highly suggest going to this park in the summer months and enjoy the atmosphere.

  • Adrian Dayrit

    Adrian Dayrit


    The park is cute and well maintained. Usually people just cutting through during the winter, but in the summer it's quite lively and a nice place to hang out. It's a great location between 17th ave and the train line. There's also a small library on one end of the park too. Ceremonies for Remembrance day are held here every year. The sound of sirens is pretty ubiquitous here because it's downtown and next to an urgent care centre.

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    Marilyn Feeg


    I used to really enjoy going to this historic, antique library. But they've tried to "modernize" it, & I don't like the look, nor the feeling inside. Disappointing.

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    It's a great park with lots of amenities nearby. Close to a hospital, coffee shop, book store, and other shopping in the area. Has a beautiful fountain lit up at night. And a lovely torch that's always lit. It's a great place to take family, or to go for a walk with a date.

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    Christal Cam


    Great library, wonderful outdoor space attached. Great for young kids to burn off some energy. Beautiful Christmas tree set up in winter, and fun outdoor fountains in summer

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