Comic Book Shoppe i Ottawa

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CanadaComic Book Shoppe



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228, Bank Street, K2P 1X1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-594-3042
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4168683, Longitude: -75.6978001

kommentar 5

  • Abigail Charron

    Abigail Charron


    Smells like quality comic books. Just feels so good in the store and its clean, not like a library old book smell you know.

  • Drake Finlay

    Drake Finlay


    Great selection and staff. Can't ask for more in a comic book store.

  • Jason Berndt

    Jason Berndt


    Helpful staff.Wide variety of comics and collector items to choose from.Very pleasant visit and would go back anytime.

  • Stephan Goslinski

    Stephan Goslinski


    Overall, this is a great little shop. It's really well diversified in terms of the stuff it carries (comics, manga, toys, costumes even). In terms of comics it's mostly focused on the mainstream, though it does have a section for local comics and the staff do a good job at creating sections that make selection easier for people who might not know what they're looking for. The staff were friendly and courteous, and all in all, it made for a good visit.

  • en

    john m


    I love this place. I was a little nervous buying my first comics, but last year on Halloween the owner was in and he was super helpful! The staff is often very helpful and always willing to order and issue in if they don't have it on hand. They are attentive to their clientele and even get to know you by name which is cool. It's always nice to see familiar faces, along with the owner from time-to-time.

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